
Since 2017, we have hosted events to share learnings about the incredible organizations that we support; and, the work we are doing together to make a difference in the mental health field. This fund-raising and communication effort has been successful in breaking the ice around having conversations about mental health and wellness. It has also brought our community of supporters together year after year to remember Bruce Abrams and the joy that he brought to this world.


a look into our past events:
  • Bruce C. Abrams Foundation at Wrigley

    For our first event post-covid, we gathered at 1032 West Waveland, a private rooftop at Wrigley Field to celebrate our work, reconnect, and scream “Go Cubbies!” 180 people showed up on what would have been our dad’s 62nd birthday to support our organization and the work we are doing. With the help of our attendees and sponsors, we were able to raise over $90,000 for our current and future nonprofit partners.

  • The Third Annual Ice Breaker Benefit

    We hosted our Third Annual Ice Breaker Benefit (and the first in Chicago) with 200 of our friends, family, and supporters. Together, we celebrated the life of Bruce Abrams - who passed away 22 years ago from suicide, and raised close to $200,000 with the help of our first ever corporate sponsors, including: Related Midwest, Lendlease, LoanCore Capital, Mesirow Financial, Wintrust, Goldman Sachs, and 3560 Reit.

  • The Second Annual Ice Breaker Benefit

    In honor of World Suicide Prevention Day, September 10th, we partnered with The Jed Foundation (JED) to break the ice, fight the stigma, and continue the conversation about mental health and wellness.

  • The Bruce C. Abrams Influencer Dinner

    We were honored to support Project HEAL’s 9th Anniversary Gala by hosting the Bruce C. Abrams Influencer dinner as a precursor to the main event. More than 30 individuals, all with a passion for and dedication to mental health, attended the dinner.

  • The Ice Breaker Benefit

    In 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) dedicated April 7th World Health Day to raising awareness about depression. In support of this day, the Bruce C. Abrams Foundation hosted its first ever fundraising event to start the conversation about mental health; and, to inspire working professionals to live presently and courageously, without judgement or shame.

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